
Day 79 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 今日はレポートの提出期限なのに、わたしはその中にミスがあると気づいた。だから昨日は徹夜で仕事をしなければならなかった。そのあと、一睡もせずに会議に参加しなければならなかった。家につく頃には、本当に疲れていた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She and I went to the same high school, but I haven’t heard from her for years. The other day, when I happened to see her at a cafe, I noticed her immediately. We had too many things to talk and didn’t run out of topics.
2) Even though today was the deadline of the report, I noticed there were mistakes in it. So yesterday I had to work hard all night. After that, I was forced to attend the meeting with no sleep, By the time I came back home, I was really tired.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) For example, what kinds of names are kira-kira names?
2) Why do parents name their children such names?
3) Instead of kira-kira names, what kinds of names do you like?


1)  I went to the same high school with her, but I didn’t hear from her in years. The other day I ran into her in a cafe and knew right away it was her. We had so much to talk about that we couldn’t stop talking.

2)  I had to work all night yesterday because I realized there was a mistake in the report that was due today. Then I had to attend a conference without any sleep. By the time I arrived home, I was exhausted.


We had too many things to talk
too~ to…(〜すぎてできない)の表現と、少し紛らわしくなりますね!
We had so many things to talk about と表現するとスッキリ明確になりそうです ^^

Why do some parents give their child such a name? のように表現すると、name を繰り返さずに済んで、スッキリするかも知れません ^^

1:52     I would say “yes” for now が、テンポ良くナチュラルで良かったです♪
4:43     bath の発音、bus との違いが日本人には難しいところなのですが、s th の違い以外に、「バァース」と気持ち伸ばすように発音するだけでも、違いがでると思います ^^
6:03     Watch out と、注意を呼びかける発話が上手で、素晴しい発話でした!  Excellent!
8:07     I was really tired が、感情が込められて良かったです♪

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