
Day 08

3 置き換え エクササイズ(簡単な日本語から英語)

1)  I knew the bag was too good for me. But it was my favorite type and I wanted it. So I bought it.
2)  I went to America last year. I felt the differences between the Japanese and the American culture by experiencing them.

1)  私好みで欲しかったので、背伸びして、そのバッグを買った。
I really liked the bag and wanted it, so even though it was too expensive for me, I bought it.
1) 「背伸びする」を金銭面で捉えた置き換えですね 良いと思います!
英文も分かりやすい表現で、良い仕上がりになりました! Great!
2)  私は去年渡米して、日本とアメリカの文化の違いを肌で感じた。
When I went to America last year Day08 , I really felt there was a lot of difference in culture between Japan and America.
2) 肌で感じる」を「本当に感じる」と、シンプルに置き換えられているところ良いですね!
英文もシンプルに、とても良い仕上がりですDay08 は何かの間違いですね ^^) Excellent!
4 Communication Skill Exercise
I think if you send a museum thicket or a movie thicket, she will be happy for that. According to what you said, she likes art, doesn’t she? Flowers or accesaries are also nice, but enjoying artworks or her favorite movie can leave a deep impression on her, I think.
Good job! You are giving her the advice with certain reasons. :-)
Flowers or accessories are also nice, but she likes art, doesn’t she? So I think if she can enjoy artworks or her favorite movie, it will leave a deep impression on her.
のような構成にすると、文の流れが良くなますね ^^
This is a lovely advice! It is always a good idea to think about what the person can enjoy at first, when you give somebody a gift. :-)
1:09     5) wanted to meet to have lunch… wanted が、少し聞きにくくなっていたので落ち着いて発音してみましょう
また表現の点になってしまいますが、ここは wanted to have lunch と、meet to をカットすると更に発話しやすくなるかも知れません ^^
3:26     16) I’ve と自然に繋がり、とても聞き心地の良い発話になりました♪ Well done!
6:45     38) ant him to のリズムが特に良く、とても良い発話でした!
9:34     置き換えの発話、とても落ち着いた発話になりました♪ 

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