
Day 34 回答例


37)  Why don’t you try going to a different store?
38)  It’s supposed to rain tomorrow.
39)  I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
40)  Where would you like to visit during the trip?
41)  How did the discussion with your boss go?
42)  If I were you, I would discuss it with my family.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I had to go to work so I left my daughter with my parents. But she was crying and I didn’t want to go. But I left for work.
2)  He used to give things up easily and couldn’t continue them for a long time. But after he realized that English was fun, he practices English everyday and keeps an English diary. It’s surprising.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 仕事に行かなければならなかったので、娘の世話を両親に頼んだ。出かけるとき、娘は泣いていた。とてもつらかったが、仕事に向かった。
2) 彼はなかなか物事を続けることができなかったが、英語を学ぶことがどんなに楽しいかを知った。それ以来、毎日英語の練習をして、英語の日記をつけている。これにはびっくりさせられる。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I had to go to work, so I asked my parents to take care of my daughter. When I left home, I saw her crying. I felt so sad, but I went to work.
2) He wasn’t able to keep doing anything easily, but he knew how fun it is to learn English. Then he practices English everyday and keeps writing an English diary. That makes me surprised.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why do you want to join the Spanish company?
2) Do you know anyone who had the job interview at the company?
3) What have you tried doing for the job interview so far?

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