
Day 30 回答例


37)  I didn’t mean to do that.
38)  I think you should think of a new plan.
39)  If I were you, I would find a new job.
40)  How did the meeting go?
41)  I was supposed to finish this today.
42)  Who would you like to talk to?

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  We decided not to see each other anymore. But he still keeps calling me and asking me out for dinner. He’s not willing to give up.
2)  I didn’t know that my brother was going to get married. I didn’t expect it at all so I was very surprised. But I feel very happy for him now.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) これからは決して会わないとわたしたちは決めたにもかかわらず、彼はまだ電話してきたり、ディナーに誘ったりする。彼の行為はわたしを不快にする。
2) 弟が結婚することを知ったが、このニュースはあまりにも突然でびっくりした。でも今は彼が幸せなのがとても嬉しい。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Even though we decided not to meet again, he still calls me and asks me out to dinner. What he did makes me unpleasant.
2) My brother told me he would get married, but the news was so sudden and unexpected that I was really surprised. Now I am really happy because he is very happy.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion:
I agree with Rina’s opinion. I really think you are very gentle grandson, because you try hard to think how you can do for her. Feel free to visit her and talk with her. Spending time with her dearest grandson, maybe it gradually makes her feeling better. Months later, if she likes, she might have another pet.

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