
Day 39 回答例


【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  My daughter always asks me to buy things for her. But after she gets it, she doesn’t take good care of it and leaves it out on the floor. So I have decided not to buy things even if she asks.
2)  I have to be at home by seven. My boyfriend always takes me home before that time. So my parents trust him very much.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 娘はいつも自分のほしい物を買って欲しいとわたしに頼む。でもそれらを床の上に置いたままにし、興味がないように見えた。だから彼女のお願いは受け付けないと決めた。
2) わたしは夜7時までに帰宅しなくてはならない。彼氏はその時間までに、わたしを家まで送ってくれるので、両親は彼をとても信用している。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My daughter always asked me to buy what she wants. But she let them put on the floor and didn’t seem interested in them. So I decided to refuse her favor.
2) I have to come back home by 7 p.m. My boyfriend always takes me home by the time, so my parents trust him very much.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion:
I agree with Chris. You should save enough money if he really wants to open a cafe. According to what you said, your family can manage with your salary, but you need to save money to open a cafe from now on, don’t you? Maybe changing your lifestyle is much harder than you thought.
I suggest you to discuss it with your husband. It is better to avoid having fights afterwards.

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