
Day 38 回答例


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 父は待つのが大嫌いだ。だからとても人気のあるラーメン店にわたしたちは絶対いけないだろう。なぜなら長い列に並ばなければならないからだ。彼はイライラしすぎて長時間待つことなどできないだろう。
2)  彼女になぜ会議に遅れてきたのか聞いたが、彼女は歯切れが悪かったので、私は彼女がただ友達と電話をしていたり、そんなところだろうと思った。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My father hates waiting. So we will never be able to visit a very popular ramen shop because we have to stand in a very long line. He will be too upset to wait for a long time.
2) I asked her why she was late for the meeting, but she didn’t answer  clearly. So I guessed she was late because she talked with her friend on the phone.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
First of all, you should tell your parents about your dream as hard as possible. You think about it very seriously, don’t you? Why don’t you honestly tell your true feeling? I also think studying abroad will be really good experience and you should try it to become an international lawyer in the future. I hope you can convince them.


1)  My father is not patient at all so we can never go to very popular ramen restaurants because we would have to wait in a long line for a very long time. He can never wait for that long without getting irritated.

2)  I asked her why she was late for the meeting, but she didn’t say the reason clearly. So I assumed she was just talking with her friend on the phone or something like that.


something like that で表現することができますので、ちょっと工夫して加えてみましょう ^^

1:25     8) 少し長めの文で発話しにくいですね!I told him… から始めると、若干発話し易くなるかも知れません ^^
4:50     I don’t want のイントネーション、とても良いですね♪文を一気に発話できるように、練習してみましょう☆
8:29   発話のリズムがとても良かったです♪
9:34   because we have to stand in a very long line の、感情の込め方が良いですね!
「とても待てない」という半ば諦めた気持ちが伝わって来るようでした ^^

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