
Day 86 回答例


1)   Everything has been going so well in my life recently and most of the time, I have nothing to worry about. My only concern is my son’s future, because he doesn’t have a proper job and often comes home drunk.

2)  No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the meeting. So I decided to write down everything that was decided in the meeting and made it my habit. Now, I can understand every situation.


それを踏まえて「自分の人生に満足している」と置き換えられた箇所は、「私の人生はとてもうまくいっている」と置き換えて表現すると、ニュアンスが更に上手く出せそうです ^^
the only one thing I am concerned aboutの表現も、ナチュラルでとても良いですね!

to do は不要ですので、外してしまいましょう ^^
また on my notebook も無くて大丈夫ですが、 入れるとしたらwriting on my notebook about everything we decided… 表現すると、分かりやすくなりそうです

1:16     figure it out の繋がりがとてもナチュラルで、素晴しかったです♪ Beautiful
3:34     25) スラスラ滑らかに発話されていましたね! Great!
5:27     38) complain about about 、若干 ba-ba(赤ちゃん)のように聞こえてきました ^^ 発話を確認してみましょう。
8:49     If you don’t want her to take pictures以下が特に、滑らかな発話で、とても良かったです♪


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Recently I am almost satisfied with my life and not worried about myself. But the only one thing I am concerned about is my son’s future. Actually he doesn’t work at a company, and he often gets back drunk.
2) no matter how hard I tried to do, I couldn’t keep up with meetings. So I got a habit of writing everything we decided to do at meetings on my notebook. Then I can get every situation.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If I were you, I would ignore it. I can’t be bothered to tell her to stop. If you don’t want her to take pictures at restaurants anymore, why don’t you see her at a small cafe instead ? I am sure it will take little time to take pictures in such a place.

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