
Day 58 回答例


37)  What do you think about his attitude?
38)  Our boss changed his mind about it in the middle of the meeting.
39)  Did he sound like he was satisfied with the results?
40)  It depends on what our boss is going to say.
41)  What if he shows up?
42)  It turns out that we have a problem.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) I love Japanese sake. So my favorite way of spending the weekend is to go to a bar with my friends. It’s the happiest moment of my life.
2)  It started raining but I didn’t have an umbrella. So I went into a cafe to avoid the rain. There, I met my old friend who I hadn’t met for 10 years. I didn’t expect it so I was really surprised.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしは日本酒をよく飲むので、週末は友人とバーに行き、日本酒を飲むのを楽しみます。そこで時間を過ごすのは最高です。
2) 雨が突然降ってきたが、傘を持っていなかった。雨がやむまで、カフェにのを待つため、カフェに入った。するとたまたま、友人に再会した。彼女と会うのは10年ぶり。本当にびっくりした。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I drink Japanese sake very often, so when I go to the bar with my friend on weekends, I enjoy drinking. It is the best for me to spend time there.
2)It suddenly started to rain, but I didn’t bring an umbrella. So I entered a cafe and was going to stay there until it stopped to rain. Then I happened to meet a friend again. It was the first time in ten years. I was really surprised.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why did you have a big fight with her?
2) Do you have to join the family gathering?
3) How is your true feeling about your sister?

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