
Day 12 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 会議が始まるまでにレポートを仕上げなければならなかった。しかし集中できなかった。とても眠かったからだ。昨日あんなに遅くまで起きていたことを後悔した。
2) わたしはいつも妻に従わなければならない。たとえどんなに忙しくても、彼女がわたしに言ったことすべてをする以外に選択肢はない。しかしわたしはそのことに文句は言えない。彼女は毎日わたしのためにお弁当をつくってくれるからだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had to finish the report before the meeting starts. But I wasn’t able to concentrate it because I really felt sleepy. I regreted I stayed up so late yesterday.
2) I always have to follow my wife. No matter how busy I am, I have no choice but to do everything she tells me. But I can’t complain about that because she makes me lunch everyday.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Lucas. It isn’t good to eat unhealthy food late at night. You should try eating healthy food, such as vegetable dishes. If you really feel hungry, why don’t you imagine how beautiful you are when you wear that dress?



47)   Why don’t you try doing a different job?

48)   Have you tried asking her directly?

49)   Have you considered talking to her about it in person?

50)   Why don’t you ask her out for dinner?

51)   I agree with your idea.

52)   I think you should keep a distance from him.

53)   I don’t think you should lose any more weight.

54)   Maybe you should make it clear.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  I had to finish writing a report before the meeting started, but I became very sleepy and couldn’t concentrate on my work. So I regretted staying up so late the night before.

2)  I always do what my wife tells me to do. So no matter how busy I am, I have no other choice but to do what she tells me to. But I can’t complain because she makes me lunch everyday.

before the meeting startsはbefore the meeting startedに、
concentrate itはconcentrate on itになさるとgood!

I always have to follow what my wife says.

I especially like the last suggestion.
This will surely help her to stay motivated and stick to her determination!

Great job in your speech!
2:20 こちら長めですがとても流れがよかったです!
convince ~ of…の流れも上手に使えていらっしゃいますね。
5:10 などでは、文を英語にして、突っかかりも全くなく言葉にすることが出来ていますね。

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