
Day 25 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 姉はわたしよりも頭が良かったので、わたしはいつも引け目を感じていた。しかし、勉強を一生懸命やって、彼女よりいい大学に入った。今は彼女に感謝している。わたしにモチベーションを与えてくれたからだ。
2) 意味のない会議に出るのはうんざりなので、仕事を変えることについて真剣に考えている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My older sister was smarter than I. So I always felt inferior to her. But I really studied hard, and entered better college than she. Now I feel very thankful to her because she gave me a lot of motivation.
2) I am really tired of attending meaningless meetings, so I think seriously about changing my job.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When they are at home, what do they mostly spend doing?
2) When they don’t help around the house, what do you tell them?
3) Have they ever helped around the house?



43)  Our car ran out of gas in the middle of the road.

44)  It turned out that he didn’t like sushi at all.

45)  Can you believe he is blaming me for this?

46)  No matter when I call him, he picks up.

47)  I cannot afford to buy it yet.

48)  I didn’t feel like talking to her today.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  My older sister is smarter than me so I’ve always felt that she was better than me. So I studied very hard to get into a better college than her. Now I’m thankful to her for motivating me.

2)  I am tired of having all of these meetings that aren’t worth having. Everytime we have a meeting, nothing is settled and nothing changes. That’s why I’m seriously considering changing my jobs.

1:15 こちらですが、いうことなしの音読でした。
6:45 But I really studied hard, and entered better college than she.

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