
Day 15 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 上司が率直な意見をわたしに求めたので、彼の言うとおりに意見を述べた。しかし彼はわたしの意見にひどく腹を立てた。言うべきではなかった。
2) どんなにわたしのミスが些細なものでも、妻は必ず腹を立てる。だから何かをするときはいつも、ミスをしないようにとても注意深くやらなければいけない。本当に疲れる。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My boss asked me for my honest opinion, so I followed to him and told it. But he got mad at it, so I shouldn’t have told it.
2) No matter how small my mistakes are, my wife always got mad at them. So whenever I do something, I have to do them very carefully not to make any mistakes. I am really tired of that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mia. If I were you, I wouldn’t compare myself to him. Instead of doing that, I will try hard practicing at my own pace. Keep up with good work! And be more confident! I hope your English will get better and better.


51)  Why don’t you try not to be late?

52)  Have you tried explaining it to him?

53)  Have you considered getting help from your parents?

54)  Why don’t you bake some cookies for your boyfriend?

55)  I don’t agree with everything you say.

56)  I think you should submit it as soon as you can.

57)  I don’t think you should get involved in it.

58)  Maybe you should get rid of your things.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  My boss wanted me to tell him my honest opinion, so I told him. But it made him very mad and I wish I hadn’t.

2)  My wife gets mad when I make even a small mistake, so I have to be really careful when do something. It makes me very tired.

I followed to him and told it.
こちら So I told him, just as he told me to.

my wife always got

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